(Sorry about the LJ fail, it keeps eating my post! This is my fifth take at getting this damn thing to post, and it's just not letting me put in my damn links. aesldfghkeqjrhtkjaner So, all links are listed at the end of each paragraph.)
So feanna linked me to some Kirk/Spock meta the other day and I've spent the last couple of days looking through some of it. Instead of writing as much as I should, because I wasn't really feeling up to it. Maybe today I'll get some more writing done. Fans that have shipped K/S longer than me may have seen these links already, but I figure I'll put them out there just in case some haven't. K/S probably isn't my OTP, that would be Kirk/McCoy. At least for XI. I haven't seen enough TOS to have a proper opinion yet, but I do like TOS K/S, and Spock/McCoy. However I still enjoy K/S fic, and they are the Father of slash. Who wouldn't want to read more about the history of both?
http://feanna.livejournal.com/ http://cesperanza.livejournal.com/238567.html?thread=7674855#t7674855 The Ships Closet: A video-blog style series where she argues that Kirk and Spock had a cannon relationship that was more than friendship or Captain/Commander. She doesn't try to say that they had a sexual relationship during TOS, but I believe she makes the argument for romantic love very well. Fans who have shipped K/S for a while may be familiar with many of her points, but she said a few things that I hadn't heard before. Plus I like the way she incorporated TOS video clips into the segments, intercutting them with her comments at times. It was a great way to visually make her point, and it made for an interesting change from reading the meta. She was specific and detailed, a little bit snarky, and she made me laugh with her comments and squee. I think this is a must-watch for K/S shippers.
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheShipsCloset "The Footnote," by Judith Gran: Her detailed analysis of Rodenberry's footnote in the ST:TMP novel where Kirk answers the question of whether or not he and Spock had a sexual relationship. Many people say that Kirk said no, but Judy argues that he doesn't answer the question one way or the other. Very interesting look at Kirk and his answer about Spock.
http://www.alternateuniverses.com/judygran/footnote.txthttp://www.alternateuniverses.com/judygran/index.html Censored by Judith Gran, 1999: An essay that discusses the migration of K/S fic from printed media to the net, and how that shook print fandom because they were sure it would cause TPTB to notice fic and crack down on copyright violations. Judith contends that Paramount knew about fan fic and had no intentions of bothering with it. It's a good parallel to the OTW 'outing' fandom by making the Org and Archive, and hopefully the outcome will be the same; nothing happens and we go about our fun business.
http://www.alternateuniverses.com/judygran/Censored.htmlhttp://transformativeworks.org/ Kirk/Spock Ship Manifesto by killabeez : Passionate and detailed manifesto for k/s that includes her top 10 k/s episodes, discussion of some of the novels, and links to rec lists, comms and archives for the pairing. Another must-read for K/S fans.
http://community.livejournal.com/ship_manifesto/39288.htmlhttp://killabeez.livejournal.com/ Spork! An Erotic Love Story, by jiaren_shadow and cirrocumulus : They edited together parts of Zachary Quinto reading the official novelization for XI into an explicit K/S sex scene, and OMG it's outrageous and hilarious. They do a surprisingly great job making an explicit story out of something that is probably PG. I mean, they got ZQ to say "cock" and "ass" for Christ's sake! Even if K/S isn't your ship you should still listen for the crack value.
http://community.livejournal.com/kirkspock/464048.htmlhttp://jiaren-shadow.livejournal.com/http://cirrocumulus.livejournal.com/ The Trekkers Credo by Judith Gran: Not specifically K/S, but I loved it and had to rec it. It's a Trek-style remix of the Nicene Creed (or the Apostle's Creed, as my husband called it). It's blasphemous, hilarious, and heartwarming for a Trek fan. It reminded me of Preacher!Anon's goodbye sermon for st_xi_kink , set to Sinatra's "I Did It My Way." They both gave me the same feeling of glee and joy for my fandom, plus a feeling of sorrow at things ending, but faith that it will be continued on in some other form or fashion. Pretty deep stuff for a simple TV show and movie, eh? Plus I swear there was a Prayer to st_anon , but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know where it is?
http://www.alternateuniverses.com/judygran/credo.txt http://community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink/9771.html?thread=29376043#t29376043http://community.livejournal.com/st_xi_kink/http://st-anon.livejournal.com/