(*Title stolen from
cards_slash's tags, because it makes me laugh)
In the fine tradition of people who have things to do wasting time on teh internets, I give you some YouTube videos that I have thoroughly enjoyed. They are music and dance type videos, not fanvids.
First: Star Wars (John Williams Is The Man) by ApprenticeA
This one is an epic tribute to both Star Wars, and to John Williams, the amazing composer for numerous excellent movies. It's a Star Wars-themed, four-part a cappella musical tribute set to cinematic themes from John Williams' scores. This one makes me laugh, and go AWWWWWW. Plus, Corey Vidal (the singer in the video) is amazing himself.
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Next: Miau Miau Miau (Duetto buffo di due gatti - G. A> Rossini
Someone posted this video to the
McShepSlash2 Yahoo group. (Name withheld because I don't know if they would want me posting it publicly) They proposed the idea of watching it as a John/Rodney choir boy AU. I'll let you watch before I comment.
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I am thoroughly impressed with the skill of these two boys. I'm not a singer at all, but I can tell the song must be difficult, and they have beautiful voices. Plus, boy's choirs are always nice to listen to. I started watching without reading the title or anything, so after a few seconds I was going "...are they meowing? WTH?" What a gloriously cheeky song presented in a solemn setting, and the brown-haired boy really made me giggle. I can really see him as John. This one was just pure fun.
Then: Discovery Channel - I Love The Whole World
I don't care that this is a Discovery Channel commercial. The world is amazing, and I love it. This video is squee-inducing. I love that it contains astronauts and space shuttle blastoffs, Steven Hawking, Mythbusters, explosions and pyramids and Transformers. I love this video.
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And then there is the XKCD version, also squee-inducing:
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Then: Alessandra Ferri and Sting
I love the song Sting plays here, 'Prelude' from "Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major" by Johann Sebastian Bach. I heard it years ago and never knew the name until I heard it again in this video. Alessandra is a beautiful dancer.
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Last: Vampire Ballet
I'll just finish this off with some slashy vampire ballet sexiness set to Nirvana:
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Actually, Vampire Ballet was going to be the last, but the links lead to Bleeding Love - The Vampire Visual (Moto Blanco Edit), and I had to post it
It's sort of a gay porn fanvid. It's probably not the best gay porn ever (though I don't have much experience in that department), but I think it suggests that the gay audience is just as interested in the vampire and dub-con tropes as fandom is. Interesting.
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(Also, Lexus is advertising on YouTube. WTF. That just seems... odd to me)