- Leave a comment saying "Beam me up Scotty!"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
This one is for
yeomanrand :
1. Pick one of your fandoms, then name a pairing you could never write for that fandom, and say why.
This one is kind of hard because I tend to be very open about pairings. I tend to move through them, and I never know where I'll be in a month's or year's time. But, I have no interest in Shawn/Gus from Psych, so I probably wouldn't write it. I usually love buddy!slash, but Shawn/Lassiter is my firm Psych OTP and I'm not interested in breaking them up.
2. Who do you want to see cast as Janice Rand? Should she keep the beehive?
I keep coming back to Kirsten Dunst. She's cute, blond, and I think she would work for the background you wrote for her in Chances. As for the beehive, I'm not a big fan. However, I do love big sexy hair, so if they updated it, I'd be ok with a big sexy 'do. What about you?
3. What's your first fannish memory?
Coming across fanvids for Lord of the Rings. I was amazed at the concept for all of about two minutes, and then I was hooked and couldn't get enough. Well, I'm still amazed at the concept, lol.
4. What is your quest?
To be the best person I can be, and help others when I can.
5. What is the flight speed of an unladen swallow?
11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour. (*g* I loved this question. That was a favorite movie to watch with my high school BF)