One Night Fandom by
eruthros and
thingswithwingsMulti-fandom (191 sources!! All Yuletide fandoms, see the post for the official list.) Rated R
It's a vid tribute to
Yuletide, which is all about rare/ unusual fandoms and the "one night stand" nature of Yuletide. I'm completely amazed by this vid, both intellectually and fannishly. It totally provokes the glee I feel while watching or reading a particularly good work, or a fandom I love. I love the flow from one scene to the next, especially the dancing scenes, the hugging and cheek touching. The song choice was good too, adding just enough sweetness and strength to tie everything together. The whips and licking and nekedness and kink made me squee loudly. Much love for the fannishness of this vid, superb job editing so many sources together to create a cohesive point. I haven't read much of Yuletide, but I'll have to remedy that.