I'll get to my 30 Day Anime Post... probably tomorrow, because I need to sleep and I totally forgot about it today. But this is about zombies (the Naruto kind), and as such it can't wait until tomorrow.
Spoiler shielded, despite the fact that it's conjecture. Conjecture. Ha. I actually think I'm right this time.
So, how do you "kill" a Naruto zombie? Either allow its soul to pass on (which Kabuto has managed to block) or seal the soul. We've seen a lot of methods for that, most of which suck, a few of which have key elements missing, and a few of which are multi-use and as a general rule already on the battlefield.
Jumping topics briefly (don't worry, they relate), let's talk about the Crow of Mysterious Power that Itachi stored inside Naruto, hoping he'd never have to use it. I've previously speculated that this little widget will allow a "fragment" of Itachi to deliver a message upon the fulfillment of a condition -- to Naruto, hopefully to Sasuke... and I'm not abandoning that. It's a good fulfillment for a pattern developed by Yondaime and Kushina. I actually think it would be more necessary than ever to have Itachi around to explain to Naruto the specifics of my new theory. See, Yondaime and Kushina didn't just show up to reminisce. They each gave Naruto a "direst need" style gift. It's very
"Black Bull of Norroway".
Zombies constitute "direst need", don't you think?
Now, ask yourself... what are the most crucial differences between Sasuke's Susano'o and the one Itachi summoned? The darker color? The face?
That he equips a different weapon? You know, a weapon other than the
Sword of Totsuka that Itachi used to so handily seal Orochimaru away for eternity?
It would be awfully handy if it turned out that Naruto could produce that in the middle of this particular zombie apocalypse.
I'm just sayin'.
EDIT: I'm not going to change what I wrote above, as I still find the disappearance of the sword from the story to be a critical factor for consideration, but it's worth noting that ::headdesk:: Itachi's conversation with Naruto occurred before Sasuke's fight with Itachi, which is when Itachi used the sword.
That said, I'm still not ruling it out. I can see ways it could work.