(no subject)

Jun 09, 2005 04:12

First job: Orchard with my pops
First school: Mrs. Webb's Preschool
First funeral: Holly Parker
First pet: Taffy the puppy
First piercing/tattoo: My forehead when my brother pegged me during a dart fight
First enemy: Aleena Davis!
First concert: Maroon 5
Last car ride: Back from Keglers Casino with Will (YEAH!)
Last library book checked out: The Way It Was: 1897
Last beverage drank: Mtn. Dew
Last food consumed: Chicken tenders from work
Last phone call: To my dad at 3 AM telling him where I was
Last time brushed teeth: Umm, 2 days ago I think
Last CD played: Dr. Dre
Last person talked to: Nick Paton
Last soda drank: At Keglers
Last ice cream eaten: I fucking hate ice cream.
Last time scolded: I didn't want a few people to come to my graduation and piss me off, so my mom pointed out to me how selfish I was being.
Last jewelry worn: None.
First things you thought of when you woke up this morning?

:Man, kind of empty in the left side of this comfy bed. Hmm, I wonder what my bot found? I should make a Magic card deck. Hmm, should I give some of these younger people a senior pic...nah screw them. Wow, I love this picture on my wall, how could there be a more perfect chick? God dammit where's my printer?! Oh ok Skylar has it outside. Curses! I should have kept Soup's thumb drive. Oh well I'll go get the printer:

What did you want to be when you grew up: Doctor, Fireman
What do you want to be now: A musician

Saw a movie: The Beach 2 weeks ago
Told someone you loved him/her: Chelsea
Hugged: Chelsea
Smiled: Oh man, so many times tonight.
Bought something: A shitload of chips
Did something illegal: In some states
Been in love: possibly maybe
belive that there is life on other planets: Certainly. As said in the movie Contact: "With millions of galaxies out there, if we're the only planet with intelligent life...what a waste of space..." After a million tries, it is pretty hard to screw up on every one. Unless you are Soup.
Read the newspaper: For the most part
Believe in miracles: Yes.
Believe in astrology: In the right hands, yes. It has its uses.
Collect anything: Letters
Have a best friend or best friends: Mike
Wish on stars: Heh, not since I was 8
Like your handwriting: Yes
Have any habits: Oh God yes...
Been toilet paperin: No
Been to a foreign country: Mexico 4 times
Been in a car accident: Yes, slashed my eyebrow badly
Do you believe in love at first sight? Depends what kind of love. Extremely passionate moments can occur in a very short time, which can lead to a lost infatuation with one another that possesses the blindness of love that many experience. As far as procuring a marriage worthy commitment ...well, chances are highly against you. It depends if you strive to meet one anothers needs on a day-to-day basis. Generally things in life are easy come, easy go. Given enough time your reluctance to leave increases, as does your trust for the other. So, love doesn't necessarily grow over time...but habits and interests become intertwined over time, creating conversation matter and a rooted stability.
Do you believe in forgiveness: Yes, it requires a hug for me though.
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: I drink a lot of koolaid when I'm pissed off.
Where do you want to go to college: Harvard (it said "want")
How many kids do you want: 2
Current music: Outkast
Current taste: Smoke
Current hair: Fro'd up from the feet up
Current clothes: Jeans and hooded sweatshirt
Current annoyances: Having to make more senior pictures in the morning. I really don't mind but its the only thing I can think of that requires effort or attention.
Current longing: :)
Current hate: I don't feel any hate right now. I'll just answer Soup to be safe.
What is in your cd player: Dr. Dre
What color socks are you wearing: Black
What Color of underwear are you wearing:
What's under your bed?: A Cougar Gold cheese hat
What time did you wake up today: 5 AM
I may seem: Filled with poop, but I really am because my eyes are brown
Sometimes I feel: Angry at quiz makers for ridiculous questions such as these
In the morning I: Shut off alarm, walk into shower, wait till about 12 mins later to bother opening my eyes, forget that I already shampooed my hair and wash it 2-3 times, think if I have any homework I need to miss school for, make mental note who I have pissed off recently and analyze whether they might bring weapons, think about whether I will miss lunch or not, put on my clothes after thinking naked for an ample amount of time, select shirt and make sure I have clean pants, and lastly check the clock to see if I need to run to school or if I can walk.
Money is: Amazing. The best god damn thing in the entire world.
All I need is: Betting money
If I had one wish it would be: To get my Dispatch CD from Chase
If an angel flew threw my window I would: Say "Beth, what is happening?"
If a demon crashed into my window I would: Beg for dark powers
If I could see one person right now it would be: Erin
Something I want but I don't really need is: Morrowing IV!
Something I need but I don't really want is: A new car...I mean, mine works.
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