Oct 18, 2005 12:21
Driving away from Taco Bell today, a lady shot me a puzzled smile...she could tell I was enjoying myself...but could she figure out why?
Are you insane? That's so easy...
Grilled stuft burrito fresco style!
Enjoying this on the way back to school while tearing a hot sauce packet, changing CD's, and dodging barriers pretty much all at the same time brought me to the realization that cell phones don't cause accidents. Grilled stuft burritos do.
I might note I almost got owned today on my way into class by a girl driving 30 in the parking lot while shoving an ENTIRE muffin down her throat. The fact that I burst out laughing when I saw it which didn't help my odds of survival too much, but fortunately she was able to see over her muffin and swerve. Linken's Sphere to the rescue.