Sep 07, 2006 08:48
So, I'm in my dorm, because my engineering class doesn't start until 9:30. Classes started yesterday, and I attended intro to programming I and II. My programming teacher definitely came to class in jeans, flannel, and a trenchcoat. He did a review of Pragramming I, and told us to write out a hello world for homework, to make sure our JDK is up and running. I am one of two people in that class.
I did the homework, got bored, and then added a program to print out the fibonacci sequence up to a set limit.
I spent most of my free time hanging out with Bob, who expressed interest in a D&D session. Apparently, Bob went to elementary school in Whitinssville. C'est spooky. I'm going to go buy the textbook now, before I go to class.