Alright.. personal rant.
To members and more specifically the creators of
You. Get off my queer gender issue!
Seriously.. trying to deconstruct the gender binary by excluding everyone but biologically female, cisgendered women? What!? Can we say 'transphobia'? I know I can.
At face value that community looks kosher, till you take in the details. Especially the icon of a pretty little womanly house-wife, feather duster and lipstick in hand. How is that image supposed to help tear down the gender binary? Similarily, how is using a term 'bio-woman' somehow stepping around the binary? It contains a word that clings and even hinges on the binary staying in place. I just don't get it, your motive screams louder than the words you use.
You obviously have a thing against transfolk. Especially MtF transfolk. A big thing against them. You think because they grew up socialized as men they're somehow still connected to the big bad patriarchy? Because I'm so sure the ones that transition to get a female body or try to live as women are so in the know at the straight, white, cisgendered Patriarchy get togethers.
You assume that because women are associated with 'weak' things you suddenly understand gender binary issues? That's not the whole issue, weak and strong are not the end-all be-all of having to struggle against the gender binary. It's the color pink and blue and being hassled for wanting a haircut not typical of your body-type. It's about going to the shoe store and having to struggle with someone to validate wanting shoes 'not meant for girls/boys', it's about wondering if you pass enough today to go the fucking bathroom without stares or harsh words, or gods forbid, getting the life beaten out of you by an intolerant asshole. It's about living every day in a body that's everywhere from 'not quite right' to 'horrifyingly wrong'.
I'm all for folks trying to take on the gender binary, really I am. Buy why go out of your way to exclude people who do it by say.. living their gods be damned lives!? If your involvment in my queer topic of choice is going to leave it reeking of bullshit, I'd just prefer you stay out of it from the get go.