The meme of 3

Mar 19, 2009 13:44

As tagged by nobody really...

Three Names I go by:

1. Gareth
2. G
3. Ickle

Three Jobs I have had in my life:

1. Merchant Cadet
2. Payroll Administrator
3. Accounts Administrator

Three Places I have lived:

1. Southport
2. Manchester
3. The North Sea

Three TV Shows that I watch:

1. 24
2. Spooks
3. Battlestar Galatica

Three places I have been:

1. Rome
2. Las Palmas
3. Gothenburg

Three of my favorite foods:

1. Pizza
2. Pasta
3. Chicken Fried Rice

Three songs you love:

1. Land of a Thousand Words - Scissor Sisters
2. Burn - The Cure
3. Wish you were here - The Wonderstuff

Three books you would read more than once:

1. American Gods - Neil Gaiman
2. Do Androids dream electric sheep? - Philip K Dick
3. Imzadi - Peter David

Three movies you love:

1. The Princess Bride
2. The Dark Knight
3. Iron Man

Three friends I think will re-post
Anyone who wishes to

Things I am looking forward to:

1. Maelstrom
2. My wedding
3. a trip to Gran Canaria

Three drinks:

1. Southern Comfort and coke
2. Mead
3. White Zinfandel

Three people you miss:

1. Anyone I’ve not seen in more than 6 months
2. Miss Sara
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