(no subject)

Jan 17, 2006 20:25

recent quotes from semeon (off ppl's profiles)

crazyrussianspy9 i was about to dare rusty to eat my homework
crazyrussianspy9: so that i could say rusty ate my hmwk
crazyrussianspy9: but then i realized that it was my hmwk
crazyrussianspy9: ...

crazyrussianspy9: bake
crazyrussianspy9: i used to do that
crazyrussianspy9: a lot
crazyrussianspy9: but then i realized it was gay

crazyrussianspy9: did you die
Auto response from turtle1633: If you see this, it means either my computer died, I died, or I was too lazy/forgot to put up an away message.
crazyrussianspy9: i'll take that as a yes

in noticement (wtf?) of semeons new line of quoteastic quotes
i hereby give him permission to come to chinese new years! (yay.....hmmmm alchohoel)
yeah so in other news chinese new year is the 29th (sunday) so we need to do something
and we're chinese
so we can do that....

Dante2628: what if they bite?
Dante2628: i mean seriously kelsey
karmaberry: hahahahhaha
Dante2628: it wouldnt be that guy
Dante2628: unless it was a guy......
Dante2628: then it be bad
Dante2628: real bad
karmaberry: it wouldnt be what guy?
karmaberry: huh
Dante2628: unless
Dante2628: a girl
Dante2628: (or a guy) bit a guy
Dante2628: you know
Dante2628: in his....
Dante2628: "danger zone"
Dante2628: "sweet spot"
Dante2628: ok
Dante2628: ugh
Dante2628: the place where it hurts when you get kicked there
Dante2628: and not your butt
Dante2628: .....
Dante2628: his balls ok??

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