Target London Part 2

Jul 21, 2005 18:38

I dunno about you lot but I'm bored of this terrorism malarky already. They can't change anything, they won't win us over, and if anything they're making themselves and Islam look stupid.

I have very little time for religion (and I have a Christian family). It warps people's minds and effects their judgement. If they live a life where it is only religion, its VERY easy to be brain washed (and I don't mean that in the melodramatic sci-fi way). Out of most of the religions, it seems that Islam is the one most likely to take over your life due to the dedication it demands. This is why extremists appear. Islam is their life and they look down on others including other non-extreme muslims as unwortthy scum. I do think as a country, we should take some action against religious practices, in particular Islam. I don't wish to target that faith but it does seem to be the most dangerously 'fertile' of all the religions.

I am now more concerned today then I was two weeks ago about being in London. In reality, nothing happened. A scare. But the potential was there to repeat the massacre again. 2 weeks ago, I thought it was a one off and not to be repeated for years, but within a fortnight it could've happenend again. Yet again 3 tubes and 1 bus, similar places, similar rucksacks, similar explosives. I suspected a copycat crime but now I'm not so sure. Thank God (how ironic) that the bombs failed and the police now have a shit load of evidence to examine. I hope they catch these bastards and hang them out to dry. I think we should create a new punishment. A psychological attack of these scum. Don't torture them, just bombard them with images, sound, noise, and flashing until we slowly smash in their beliefs that they once so cherished. Destroy what they were - it's the worst thing you could do to them.
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