
Apr 12, 2007 08:40

So, I signed up for a Something Awful forums account, because Dumbrella sucks, Jackrose/BB is usurped by #geekalliance, and Allopatrius takes about 2 seconds to read, and I stumbled across a thread. There is a guy named Todd [Something] and he sells bad t-shirts, but he also ripped off a great cartoonist named Shmorky, almost line-for-line and word-for-word. I hadn't even heard of this Todd dude until then, and he's gotten some mention around the internet since this revelation, both from Digg and Allison and other joints, but I would just like to re-iterate something. Even if this guy was not blatantly ripping off a bunch of artists of varying quality, he would still be a fucking hack.


Seriously, how retarded and tasteless would you have to be to see one of these T-shirts and think "Hey, it would be a good idea to pay money for this and then wear it around so everyone would know about that financial indiscretion."
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