Jan 10, 2014 22:54
My best man speech
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Brandon, and I have the great fortune of being both a great friend of the bride and somewhat of an older brother of the groom, as well as the best man. We are all here today to celebrate the two most important people in this room....myself and the bartender. First of all, I want to say thank you to all of you for coming. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, and Mr. and Mrs. Hulbig for putting on an incredible celebration. And thank you to Eric for choosing me as your best man. It’s a privilege to be here to see you two commit to starting your future together.
Eric and I have been best friends for close to 25 years, which has given me the opportunity to bear witness to some of his most humiliating mistakes, as well as incredible accomplishments. Since Eric has warned me not to tell any stories too embarrassing or mention anything that might incriminate him, this is going to be a short speech. Eric and I have known each other since we were toddlers, living a few houses a part our entire lives. Over the years we've rode our bikes together, helped each other cheat on our homework, played sports together, ran from the cops together, occasionally got drunk together, talked each other into doing a thousand stupid things (most of which are inappropriate to say today) and now we are sharing this table.
Which brings me to Eric's greatest accomplishment, convincing Trisha to agree to marry him.
I've been fortunate enough to see Trisha's and Eric's relationship evolve from day one. I'll never forget the day Eric told me he had met Trisha. We were sitting in his basement watching TV when he told me he had met a girl at school, and that she was amazing. He talked about how smart, beautiful, funny and charismatic she was for over 10 minutes, but then I became concerned. How was someone so amazing going to be able to put up with a guy like Eric?? Thankfully, I learned later, that Trisha was preparing for this by persuing a career in elementary education....Since that day, their relationship has grown and strengthened over each year they've been together. Eric has wisely learned to submit to everything that Trisha asks, and Trisha has learned how to put up with Eric. Throughout the past 8 years, through good times and bad, they have exemplified the meaning of trust, friendship and love.
It’s hard for me to believe even now, that the kid I remember growing up with is getting married today. But I’ve known Eric for what seems like forever, and I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Trisha for almost a decade, and I can’t think of any other couple that are as perfect for each other as you two. I love you both more than words can say, and I feel incredibly lucky to call you both my friends.
And on that note, ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to Trish and Eric. May the rest of your lives be filled with joy, love and happiness.
10/19/13 - Eric and Trish's Wedding