Jun 11, 2006 22:53
Thursday afternoon a man walked into my nextdoor neighbor's yard in broad daylight and shot him in the head. Neighbors and family members were outside and witnessed the shooting. I heard the gunshot and ran to the window to watch the killer walk casually out of the yard like nothing had happened. The whole neighborhood is shaken. The man who was killed was a kind, decent man, loving father and good neighbor. I cannot understand the mentality of taking another person's life for no reason and not even caring about it. My mind is boggled and I am sure that I will never be the same. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens every day, somewhere, it was not supposed to happen "here".
Two weeks ago I was bitten by a deer tick. I had a slight rash around the area of the bite and went to the Dr. I am now on a high dose of penicillan. The bite or the penicillan is making me extremely tired. More than usual. I am also sore and achy all over making it hard for me to do anything. I desperately need someone to do my laundry. I need to get my boxes of stuff out of the basement and into a storage unit. I can't begin to do that right now.
I have to decide what I am going to do in November. I can't afford my rent, but rent in this area is much higher than what I am paying now. I could find a smaller house for the same price, but that would defeat the purpose. Might as well keep the larger house for the same amount. I don't know if I should look for another roommate, siphen off my savings to survive, get a second job (but doing what?). It seems the solution is to have more income - not to move.
I have a teenage son. Each weekend sees my house full of teenagers. I love seeing him have friends and I enjoy seeing the kids act like kids. They don't get in too much trouble, but they love to push the limits. I am so tired lately, I just want a weekend off.
I am still trying to get caught up on my caseload at work. Everyone is. We all had double caseloads for the past few months making it impossible to get ahead. I don't stress over it, cause there is nothing I could do about it, but I hate going to work every day knowing there is so much there to be done that I will not be able to get caught up in a long time. There is no talk on when I will be able to go back to my campus. However, I have heard that the other campus (my campus) is really far behind with only two girls there doing the work four of us used to do. By the time the East campus gets caught up, they will send me back to West and it will be the same thing all over until we get caught up again.