Aug 13, 2005 09:27
it has been an uber long time since i posted. i am now living at nates house because my family blows. last weekend i learned how to shoot a 12 gauge shotgun. it was my first time shotgun shooting and my shoulder was sore for two days afterwards. i at least hit one skeet out of 25. it was the hardest one to hit. typical me. i don't hit the easiest ones first...i hit the hardest.
the smell of gunpowder made me sick and the heat did too but once we got back in the AC i was all good. i had so much fun.
i saw the movie stealth. it kicked ass. one of the lessons of the movie was never leave your wingman. when the main char said that i thoought of devin. she loves that movie top gun. NEVER LEAVE YOUR WINGMAN *smiles at devin* we so gotta see top gun when you come down. 24 more days until my birthday. my 21st birthday and it is gonna rock my socks.