After the
previous two Saints Row games, I eventually started the most recent. I actually started it before we moved to Portland, but oddly enough, things got busy afterward. I finished it off finally a couple of weeks ago.
In this installment, you are the President of the United States. Because after having conquered several cities and defeated the elite of the U.S. Military, what else were you going to do? As the game begins, an alien armada attacks the Earth and captures you and your closest homies. Though you quickly escape into their fleet in general, you must enter their computer network, represented as a simulation of the same city in the SR3, and disrupt the simulation to locate and rescue your compatriots.
Since its a computer simulation, as you level up, you gain access to more hacks of the system. This leads to a variety of superpowers on top of the usual assortment of overpowered weaponry. Your ability to dispense damage and chaos is stupefying. This game is ridiculous -- and that's talking about a series where in the previous installment you drove around with a tiger in your car.
Using the character customization, I went with the same form I'd used in the previous games. As
aelfie helped me realize, it is pretty much Queen Latifah. I can deal with Queen Latifah as a superhero.
Thumbs up.