
Sep 17, 2008 12:17

Note it is 12:18 and I am not in class! Be assured, I have a reason for this.

I have been reading old LJ's (because that is what one does when one stumbles into some free time) and I have decided I liked my entries better in 2006. So I am going to attempt to be more like Matt 2006. Only more experienced. Oh yeah. I'm experienced, baby.

So even though most of my morning was spend re-reading tales of my own life that I remembered anyway (yes, I choose to make my daily agenda this pointless), I have recently (today included) been talking with a number of old friends again! Of course, the times since I last talked to them vary from years to...hours...but that is not important. The important thing is that they are my friends, I have missed them, and I talked to them. And it was good.

Also! The wedding of Kelsey and Natalie was on Sunday! And it was Awesome. Capital A. I would put up pictures, but I haven't heard anything from either of them about whether or not I should show them publicly...but...ergh...maybe I'll post a few. Soon. Short story: it was really fun. The church was small but not, you know, smaaaall, there were about 100+ people there, Natalie looked like a goddess, Kelsey looked a Naval uniform. He looked very sharp and smart of course, but you could put Kels in the Darth Vader outfit and he'd still somehow look like Kelsey.

The ceremony was pretty short and amusing, as befit the bride and groom, and then it was off to the reception! Where there was dancing and eating and much merriment.

There was also Car Accidents and Being Hooligans, but those stories I shall save for later. But they're gooood stories.

EDIT: The pictures are up! If you have a Facebook, log in and view them and comment! Otherwise, you can see them from here...

then come back and comment on this page. Whee weddings!
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