You have reached the automated messaging service for Jonothon Starsmore, aka
psi_flames. He cannot come to the keyboard right now, but leave a message and he'll get back to you.
((If you need to get ahold of the mun or the muse, please post here and either one will get back to you as soon as possible.
And, because it doesn't seem to go anywhere else, really:
Note For Play:
Chamber is a telepath. A fairly powerful one, at that. This is why he has shields. Very strong ones that were taught to him by Professor Charles Xavier and Emma Frost. The general hubbub of other people's minds is kept out.
He does, however, have to use his telepathy to communicate. Most characters with psi-resistance aren't going to be able to hear him. This does, of course, depend on the player of the other character in question. If you want him to overhear anything going on in your character's head, please mention it. Otherwise, it'll be treated as general 'cocktail party' buzz; he might be able to hear something fairly clear every once in a while, but not all the time.