Sep 29, 2006 15:12
Things have been semi good semi bad.
I got another job!!! Well... sort of. Melinda my RA told me that her friend needed someone to photograph some of her interior design work and her models, so she asked me if I had time to do it and if I would bother to do it... and I said "bother? Of course I'll do it!" She said she'd take me out to eat and pay for expenses so it's okay if there isn't any pay. That would be my pay I guess. Plus i'll get to use them if they're good enough for my portfolio and it'll be fun. I get to go to Stockton, Napa... and some other place here in San Francisco and check out her work. Exciting.
So... I'm thinking about getting an apartment with Tiffany. She's cool. she calls me baby lol. She's french and she speaks poor english and good spanish pretty neat. We know how to have a good time so that's great. I'm trying to convince Kevin and Chris to move out with us now and not have to wait until the summer. We'll see.
(copied and pasted cause I didn't want to re-write) Day In The LIfe of a Mannequin in the city.
what i did with the mannequin. :)
we went to the bar, church, bank, porn shop, china town, union suqare, hot dog stand, cheesecake factory, crepe restaurant, hair salon... all over the place people would stare and laugh and take pictures of us. lol it was funny. they'd freak out too and they'd be like you scared me i thought it was a naked boy. haha. and this guy was like "that's hot... you don't see that everyday" :)
lol it was quite amusing if you ask
i got tired of carrying it all over the place though
pictures.... coming soon