nachrichten aus der Schweiz

Mar 19, 2010 11:14 can buy bacon-flavored quasi-Cheetos-things here. I don't know whether to be amused or horrified.

Have been asked to do a Mozart Requiem at the end of April - playing second, on modern. That means The Big Trombone Solo... (youtube Mozart Tuba Mirum to hear what it is...)

Recital planning is a nightmare, but we will manage. And then it will be awesome.

I must remember not to pick at the place where the callus on my finger grows funny thanks to the cabinetmaking whoops in '05... you'd think that after nearly five years I'd have learned...

I hate finances.

The weather is finally gorgeous again - time to resurrect the fixie from the basement, and start on allergy meds.

Today: editing Irish folk tunes for publication, collecting my new phone, hearing the strings from my group play William Lawes, and then LOTS OF COFFEEE AND RECITAL PLANNING OMG.
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