Dec 30, 2006 16:36
So they killed ol' Saddam.
There will be lots of people who will say "They didn't really kill him, it's all a scam" I could be one of them but I'm too lazy to be a real conspiracy nut.
But what i want to ask you is this:
Why, after this "Quater Century of Terror" Saddam has wrought upon his lands, was he in the end only sentenced for the deaths of 148 Shias from 1982. He was also on trial for the deaths of 180,000 other people but will never be sentenced for that, due to being dead and all. Could it possibly be that they wanted to make a martyr out of him so badly that they forgo the satisfaction of the verdict for those 180,000 people so they could kill him before he was 70? Because Iraqi law forbids execution of those over that age! Saddam himself would have prefered this hanging, instead of spending the rest of his days rotting in a cell.
My opinion: It was a mistake to do it, a mistake to rush it as they did, and there will be a fallout from this which will devestate Iraq even more than it is already devestated.