[Open] Valentine's Day Party

Feb 14, 2011 10:48

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sniffsniffsnipe February 14 2011, 18:46:08 UTC
Ian wasn't one for Valentine's Day. He thought it was a cutesy holiday for couples and he wasn't part of a couple all that often so the holiday came and went with little notice.

What he did like was a party. He didn't know how he got the invitation but hell if he cared. There was free drinks, free food and he was there. His black suit and black shirt weren't really holiday appropriate, neither were his black leather gloves but he didn't give a damn. No one said he had to match the holiday.

Now he just had to find himself a beautiful woman or handsome man to chat up and he could consider it a good night.


thedarkfields February 15 2011, 02:42:44 UTC
Nothing on the invitation said that the attire had to be 'holiday appropriate.' That would've left Eddie with nothing to wear since he had a preference for more classic, if designer suits. There would be no pink shirts or garish red ties to be found in his wardrobe. Like a good host (and any person who thrived on social interaction), Eddie was making his rounds, chatting up anyone and everyone wandering through the apartment.

"Good evening," he crooned with a welcoming smile. "Welcome."


sniffsniffsnipe February 15 2011, 02:44:50 UTC
He smiled at the nice, attractive man who was crooning at him. Well, this could go nicely.

"So you're the host." He offered a hand. "Nice to meet you."


thedarkfields February 15 2011, 03:14:35 UTC
Eddie took the proffered hand in a firm grip, taking note of the gloves, but not sparing a second a glance to them. A dozen reasons for why someone would wear them popped into his head (though none of them were accurate!).

"I am, indeed," he affirmed with a slight bob of his head. "The name's Eddie."


givesapush February 14 2011, 18:53:25 UTC
Pink champagne, chocolate and pink martinis weren't exactly challenging to make all night long but Dani was happy behind the bar and some people had ordered other things. Her little tip jar was pretty full too, partly because of her outfit and partly because she was slinging bottles around with every mixed drink.

She didn't do a lot of party bartending. She prefer the steady conversation and interaction an actual bar provided but this party wasn't so bad. It seemed to be one of those empty apartment parties where everyone would stand around most of the night. It meant there was always someone leaning on her bar for her to talk with while she mixed drinks.


shouldntyell February 15 2011, 02:08:52 UTC
Well, Will was definitely leaning on the bar even though he wasn't waiting for a drink. No, he was just watching Dani put on her show -- and, boy, did she do it well.

"I'm going to start thinking you're stalking me," he teased. Honestly, he's the one that kept ending up where she was.


givesapush February 15 2011, 02:14:44 UTC
"Hot stuff, I'm in a leather miniskirt." Dani shot him an amused look. "You're stalking me."

Because, honestly, she knew the skirt was half the reason guys kept asking for drinks.


shouldntyell February 15 2011, 03:38:47 UTC
What?! He couldn't even see that skirt from his side of the bar. But now that Dani mentioned it, Will craned his neck to get a look. "Technically, it's not stalking unless I go through your trash or use optical enhancement equipment." He paused a beat, then add, "Glasses don't count."


a_soul_awake February 14 2011, 19:09:15 UTC
Hope only came to the party because Thea asked her to. She wasn't one for social gatherings like this. She preferred spending time with a small group of friends. Actually, she should have been spending time with her husband. How in the world had Thea talked her into something like this?

One day, she would understand how her sister's gift of gab suckered her in every single time. Until then she was left glancing over the collection of sugary treats wondering where her sister went off to.


thedarkfields February 15 2011, 02:54:51 UTC
It might seem odd to open one's home up to total strangers, but Eddie didn't mind. Thus far, he didn't have much in the way to steal and, honestly, he felt more comfortable in the presence of strangers than the handful of people he knew. Strangers didn't have any expectation of who or what he should be. Which, of course, meant they didn't give him odd looks over what he'd become recently.

And what he was right now was a host who was in need to chatting up everyone in the room. Thus he found himself wandering over by the well-dressed woman who was pondering the buffet of sweets. "The fondue is my favourite," he offered as a way to break the ice.


a_soul_awake February 15 2011, 03:56:43 UTC
Hope glanced over with a small smile at the man who approached her. "Is it? I've been considering just the fruit, honestly."


thedarkfields February 15 2011, 15:42:24 UTC
"Mmhmm," he affirmed with a subtle nod. "You can pick your choice of treat and how much or how little chocolate you want on it. It's a nice choose-your-own-adventure dessert."

He glanced up from the spread to smile at Hope and offer a hand. "I'm Eddie."


paintnheart February 14 2011, 19:15:25 UTC
Brian hadn't been to a party like this in years. He could feel the bar calling to him. Chocolate martinis were a favorite of his. He had already picked out four or five people who probably had some type of party drug on them. Temptation was everywhere and he had no idea what he was doing here.

He hung around the edge of the party, staying near the door just in case he caught himself thinking things like 'well one drink won't hurt'. He should probably just leave but he felt he had something to prove. He could resist temptation. He could.

At least he was dressed for the occasion.


kingofgray February 15 2011, 01:23:12 UTC
"You can resist the bar," Norton whispered in Brian's ear. He'd snuck up behind him and was now leaning into Brian, his own chest to the other man's back. "And you look wonderful."


paintnheart February 15 2011, 01:29:41 UTC
He jumped a little in surprise until he heard Norton's voice. It relaxed him a little to have someone there. He reached back for his hand. "Thank you. I'm sure you look nice as well."


kingofgray February 15 2011, 01:35:17 UTC
He was dressed warmly, considering he was from a tropical climate. He squeezed Brian's hand, giving him some reassurance. "Happy Valentines Day."


singlesoccermom February 14 2011, 19:20:57 UTC
A slinky red dress, a sparkling pink drink and a bunch of strangers to talk to and Jenna was having a good time. She couldn't remember ever meeting the host of the party but that didn't bother her. She liked meeting new people, getting out in the world and having a good time.

Besides, it felt good to be out, being sexy and social. Jake was babysitting for her so she could be out late if she wanted. She probably wouldn't though. She was a good mother that way. Still, she was going to have fun while she was out.

And she still had to sample all the chocolate that was available. She was so not going home until she was sugar high and tipsy.


hes_onthe_jazz February 14 2011, 19:47:04 UTC
Hannibal did in fact own a suit or two. He'd picked the nicer of them for this; he knew Jenna'd be looking her best, and he didn't want to seem unworthy of her. Parties like this were more Face's forte than his, but he thought he could manage it. It was just people, after all.

And if he wound up telling a few of them exactly what he thought about them, well, it'd probably be good for them.

He walked up beside Jenna and gave a soft smile. "Hello, beautiful."


singlesoccermom February 14 2011, 21:08:05 UTC
"Ooo, hello handsome." She slid her arm through his immediately. "You look amazing."

She hadn't seen him in a suit before. It was nice, really nice. She was going to have to convince him to wear one more often.


hes_onthe_jazz February 15 2011, 04:05:38 UTC
Suits, for Hannibal, were a way to look like someone else when he needed to. The few formal occasions he'd been to in his time he'd worn his dress uniform. That didn't work these days, of course.

He chuckled softly and gave her a brief kiss. "You're too kind."


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