Well, it's about time for another review. Don't expect exact grammar and/or precise punctuation. Anyways, without further ado:
:@-%-@: Before the Show :@-%-@:
Well, I had told Alex(
notevenjoking) that I was not going to be able to make it to the show, from my lack of funding from the parents. Well, I scrounged up some money like literally a few hours
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Second, i'm not really friends with her, but I know of her and her friends, and if you ever were to say this anywhere near her face, not only would she probably take a swing at you, but alot of her friends would as well.
Basically, i'm saying this dude:
1)Saying that ANY GIRL, regardless of who they are, should get raped, is a pretty fucking shitty thing to say. I don't care if she is a bitch. Thats a fucking awful thing to say about any woman if you have respect for people in general.
2)Saying that shit about that girl in particular is bound to get you really fucked up by alot of people.
Oh, and I just read your "stay out of what you don't know".
Maybe you should shut the fucking hell up. I have been to shows for quite a long time now, i'm not posting up reviews of Eighteen Visions shows on livejournal acting like i'm some sort of "scene king".
As far as helping people up goes, she actually has helped me up before, so there goes your argument, because I sure have been to alot of shows, and you sure as fuck haven't ever helped me up.
Take this pearl of advice and don't try and tell me what I do and don't know. I don't want to have to list the reasons why you telling me I know nothing about Cortney is rediculous, but here, i'll give you one little clue.
If anyone said that to someone else, they'd take a swing. I expect that. But hey, then at least she'd have a reason to hit me and not do it without knowing me on purpose like she has before.
1)'s reply: I don't feel that way about people that have no compassion for others. They deserve no compassion from me. I don't spare them once they've crossed my line. That's not your belief. I don't expect you to agree with mine as I don't with yours. If I were to come hit you, you'd do something about it. And, if you decided not to, and you kept seeing others treated the same way. Then, I'm pretty sure you'd have a negative take on it.
2)'s reply: Let them do whatever. I've taken on more than one person at once and won. I've taken people twice to almost thrice the size of myself and won. I don't worry too much about the person that decides to fuck with me. I'll even help them up and tuck their sheet in for them while they are on a stretcher. I think it's pretty fucked up if she can't fight her own battles, especially if she's the one that started it.
No, you still don't know what you're talking about.
I'm not a "scene king." So, let's get that one out there right now. I've never been scene and won't be scene. That's one thing I'm proud of. I post reviews/outlines/overviews to help others out on their decisions or get the band(s)'s name spread around so other people listen to them. There's nothing "scene" about that.
That doesn't throw my argument out. You are one person that you say she has helped up. I've seen numerous people viciously attacked by her fists on their face and back. Also, I've gotten numerous people to tell me about how she's fucked them over. People have IMed me, posted a reply off a community I posted at, and people have talked to me at shows(this has been a lot, over a dozen, literally) about her hitting them or just doing stupid shit to them. If you do fall down and I'm by there, I'll be the one helping you up. That's guaranteed. A scene kid would not help you up. They'd most likely be the one knocking you down on purpose... like her.
That clue does nothing for me. I could tell you I've spoken to Alex Varkatzas(which I have) before, but that doesn't show any credibility that I know him. You've seen her good side once. I haven't. I won't change my mind for what one person says. There are a dozen others that despise her for what she did to them for every one that she's helped out.
Also, you can't sit there and relate to how I feel if you're the one she's helped. I've been punched by her. I've seen people she's punched. I've seen her and her friends jump people after she punched them and they did something about it. My argument is more valid than yours based on that I have seen several things she's done to fuck others over. While you're solely testifying for one thing. You're not making any ground on this. So, just stop. If anything, you're embarrassing yourself.
I've seen her at over 15 shows that I remember where she's done shit to people. Not only that, I just mention her or point her out to someone that overhears me with friends and they end up complaining about her. That's kinda sad, to be honest. I would feel pity, if she wasn't so much of a bitch.
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