Dec 21, 2005 15:02
Can be so evocative and just crush you emotionally in a split second.
Have been going through the Target bag of my mom's mail that I've been collecting for about a month or so; always meaning to go through it that night. Yeah, right. Found only a few medical bills that I stuck in a folder, and some other random crap--an accidental death life insurance policy, which of course, does not apply here. Called and canceled it; threw it in trash.
Got to the bottom of the bag and found the blue heart-shaped refrigerator magnet for the Hospice of Baltimore with their phone number. The one that I kept forgetting to give Heinz when he was here. Guess he never really needed it anyway.
We went and saw "Narnia" on Friday and there was a preview for some kids' flick--don't remember the name of it, but the beginning of it was a bear flipping through channels and the announcer on his TV said something about Wheel of Fortune and/or Jeopardy and I started crying quietly in the theatre. Made me think of how my mom would drop what she was doing at 7:00 to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, and she got V. into it--would call to her if she was in the other room, "V.! 'Jeopardy' and 'Spinner' are coming on!"
V. was asking for coloring prints this morning and she said, "I'll save this one to give to Grandma when she comes back down." I just wanted to hold on to her and hug her forever.
The week has been very up and down. Dad went to ER this morning. Nothing major, apparently, because they sent him home, but the doctor did put him on a new medicine. Damn good thing--told him I can't handle another parental death for at least 5 years. But, I guess this is what happens when your parents are a lot older when they have you--my mom was 41 when she had me, but damn. Everyone else on her side of the family lives well into their 80s. Just not meant to be this time, I guess.
I don't even know why I'm on here right now. I should be at Kinko's making copies of the life insurance papers then getting on to the post office to mail them certified, but I've been dragging my feet about it all day. At least I've gotten several loads of laundry done, though. Also found out that I need yet another referral from the aged Dr. Gilmore before I can start radiation--thank the Gods I went through the mail because I wouldn't have realized that until too late i.e. when I got there next week. So I called his office and left a msg. for the referral coordinator. Hope she calls back today. Lot of offices close for the week between Xmas and New Year's, so I hope I got to them in time.
Called the lawyer, got her v.m. and hung up. Not sure how to say what I need to ask her. Maybe I should just e-mail her. Am surrounded by mountains of paper, albeit some of it in file folders, but I'm just so overwhelmed. I don't know what to do with all of this stuff. Heinz doesn't know, my dad doesn't know--he keeps telling me to call the lawyer, but of the $1200 retainer, there's only $460 left. =( Yes, maybe emailing is the way to go--at least that way I can think out my questions before I ask and not have to waste valuable minutes clarifying what I'm trying to say because I'm so flustered (I hate talking on the phone.)
Mate's work party tomorrow. Ugh. Not "ugh" at the party, ugh at having nothing to wear that fits comfortably, hair in dire need of maintenance and no money for it (have money but I'm feeling uber-frugal today and don't want to spend it on that), nails ragged and chewed...
And cookies! Took butter, eggs out this a.m. to make cookies. Still haven't made said cookies nor have I been out to replenish and add to my supply "pantry" for cookies. Making chocolate chip, sugar, and possibly gingerbread cookies--not sure yet about the gingerbread, but if I don't drag my carcass to the store, everyone'll be getting about 10 chocolate chip cookies in Ziplock baggies. Tres classy, right? Not.
So cold out. In no mood for fake and saccharine holiday "cheer" nor do I wish to be assaulted by other cranky shoppers, as not only am I out of cookie supplies, haven't finished Christmas shopping, either.
Christmas Eve I'll probably go and get some flowers to take to Ft. Lincoln, too; almost forgot about that. *sigh* What was I thinking when I said I wanted it to all be over?
In other news, today is a very special little girl's birthday. =) A bit sad that we can't see her today, but we'll have a party for her next week, and it'll be great. I hope she's having a wonderful birthday.
Alright. Off to check the laundry again and then go out to brave the other holiday shoppers today. Wheeeeeee. :-I