Old Friend, a Letter

Jun 24, 2005 00:46

Ok. So about this update. An old friend returns and a letter is sent. Let's begin...

About 3 years ago I met this guy named Chase Davis. He was a little annoying then cuz I wasn't used to his type. In fact he may be one in a million. Quite odd and childish but fun to hang out with none the less. About a year later I found out that he, Steven, and Matt played HALO and other such games at Chase's house over weekends and summers or whenever else. What interested me was HALO. They were thinking of starting a clan and play in tournaments so I thought "Why not? I love these guys! It'd be awesome to play alongside my buds." Steve invited me to one of Chase's game sleep-overs on a weekend. We had fun and I thought it was the beginning of a new way to live.

We played many weekends and formed our own little clan composed of Chase, Matt, Steve, my bro (Gabe), and I. Went to one tournament and got our asses handed to us. The reason of course was b/c of our being unprepared. We played against eachother but very rarely against other people. In our eyes, we were good. Obviously, because of the results of the tournament, we were wrong. Horribly wrong. I kept saying we need more practice but we never did. We bore the consequences with self-dillusion. Saying the opposition cheated or telling each other how much better we could've done if we were'nt just standing there. Killing the clan.

Months later during the month of October we planned that on Holloween night we would have a HALOween frag-fest. Another video game night but one to remember. The day came upon us. I didn't have a licence or a car back then so Chase was suppose to come pick us, Gabe and I, up and take us to his place to get things set up around 5pm. We called and he said that "he couldn't make it cuz he was hangin out with other friends until sometime (I think 6)." We said that it was cool and that we'd just wait a while longer. 6:30pm came along and he still hadn't showed up. We called again... "Dudes I can't make it right now cuz I might get laid with two really hott chicks. Maybe in an hour." We were kinda like... ok I guess.. This was Chase(If you knew Chase you'd understand, sorry Chase). If he can get laid we would let him do it.
8:00pm... Steven calls
Steven "So how's HALOween going?"
I said "Actually... it hasn't even started."
"What? I thought ya'll set it up for like 6:00?"
"We did... Chase hasn't come to pick us up yet."
"Have you called him?"
"Yeah... he's busy gettin laid."
"Yeah right. Let me call'im."
Moments pass as I wait for him to update me on the situation.
**ring ring ring**
I answer phone.
"Yeah Fuck Chase... Now he's saying some guy has his keys and is running around with them not giving them back."
"I know. Fuck Chase. We'll have HALOween ourselves."

So Steve comes and takes us to his place. We talk about how fucked up it was is that Chase -Chase- blew us off for some other fags. Even though we already had this thing planned weeks in advance, he did this to us. We play a few games of HALO and whatnot else then he drives us back home.

SteVVo and I got so angry at him that we decide after a before-school talk to stop hanging out with him. We find our own spot in the morning before school to hang out away from Chase. Soon enough other's from the table are coming to visit us at the spot then going back, Except Chase. Matt comes every once in a while. That's how it was.

2 years later....

Two years of not talking to the boy. Two years later he starts to find us and ad us to his friends list in MySpace and Xanga. We wonder how and why he's doing this after 2 years. He should know that we don't like him and don't wanna be around him. The day comes when Steven gets curious and calls me up to go to Chase's house. It intrigues me too to find out what he wants with us.

We go to his house and oddly enough it all feels so familiar. Even though he moved since the last two years it still feels like we've been there. It feels like... we never stopped coming. Ring the door bell and out comes Chase. The same old Chase and the same old us. Not so much really.

We came to settle something but the second we connected it was already solved. At least for me. I can't speak for Steve here nor Chase. I had no trouble talking to him again. Nothing. As if I never stopped being friends with the guy. The strangest feeling I've ever had.

So now we're hangin out just like old times and then again not like old times. We have changed a bit. We're not all about Video Games as we were back then. Now we're drinkin beers together, Steve-O got high with him for the first time (and these guys have known each other since childhood), goin to Bennigan's. Just goin out. Things I should've been doin 2 years ago instead of in my house just playin video games all day. It's been a good two years. A good 1 year of awakening. I'm still just waking.

About the letter, really it's just certificates that I sent to TREC about a week ago to recieve an application for the Real Estate Licence State and National Exams. I'm just waiting for that thing to come in so that I can finally get it over with. Finally get my Salesperson Licence.

I'm hoping to go next week to one of the community colleges and apply. I really want to start college to become a teacher of some sort. Either Biology, Chemistry, Cosmology, History, English, or Art. Prefferably a High School Teacher. One other major reason I want to get into college is to meet somebody. As I've said before, it's hard to meet any girls after high school in a not so awkward environment. So college would be a huge opener. I don't exactly want to jump onto the Real Estate business just yet without a relationship going on. I mean... since there is an easier chance of finding one in college I might as well take it than miss the opportunity by starting Real Life.

But yeah... I think I've written enough tonight. I need my sleep. It's great to hang out with yah again, Chase. Good luck at the Marines. Everyone, Good Night and Sweet Dreams.

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