(no subject)

May 09, 2012 10:37

These things are not actually that cool -- but it's cool when someone actually explains it to you (learning!): Cracking The Credit Card Code
In a statement, the Catholic civil rights group called the segment “the most vulgar expression of hate speech ever aired on television.” (me: The only way that could be true is if we never aired what Bill Donohue says on television, hypocrite) President Bill Donohue demanded Stewart apologize and threatened to pressure the show’s sponsors to pull their advertising if he didn’t. -- Stewart didn’t apologize. During a recent comedy routine in Clearwater, Fla., Stewart referred to the Catholic League’s campaign with, “I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance,” according to the Tampa Bay Times.
Bowling for abortions… you know, I would have bet money that this wasn't true -- or just another Onion article the right-wing fundies took seriously. But nope -- it's a real thing. And after reading right-wing articles about it, where "good Christians" demanded the death of the teenage girls involved, I'm going to support them right away: National Network of Abortion Funds
Since GM went bankrupt (sort of like Mitt Romney wanted), the federal loans and managing of the bankruptcy by the Obama administration was actually Romney's idea -- and even though Romney had NO political office or power, it's actually like Romney saved the auto industry. Only he didn't. He wrote a NY-Time article that more or less suggested GM -JUST- be allowed to fail. // Obama took ten months to kill bin Laden, and he probably had a fall-guy set up in case the operation failed -- I mean, the SEALs took ten months to train for the operation to kill bin Laden, and since Obama is not a military tactician -- yeah, some other military people where in charge here and there, and Bush/Cheney wasted all kinds of resources and started two wars in response, but never caught bin Laden -- but, you know, the GOP are taking credit… or something. // A man in Wisconsin repeatedly blocks his wife from leaving to vote in the Democrat primaries, and finally throws himself behind the SUV she used to back out. He's in stable condition at a hospital now. For some reason, getting hurt… while… you know… illegally impeding a person's right to vote -- is somehow the liberals' fault.

…these are just some of the incredible levels of cognitive disconnect I've had to deal with JUST this morning. I admit such mental blockage is common on all sides of political discourse (in fact, this is shaping up to seem a lot like the 2004 election year, with Democrat and Republican roles reversed on several issues), but this level of fabrication and denial… it's really not healthy for America.
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