over; broken!minkey, g

Apr 11, 2011 14:30

635 words

a/n: unbetaed and....yeah, i dunno. a lot of run-on sentences and probably a whole lot of other grammar crimes? please forgive.

when kibum and minho break up, nothing dramatic happens.
no loud arguments, no storming out of rooms, no crying. in fact, it's almost as if nothing ever happened in the first place. they go back to their previous roles without a fuss at all.
minho falls back into his familiar silence, while kibum tries to fill up the void by fussing over the other three only a bit more excessively than normal.

the other members know what happened, from the beginning to the anticlimactic end, but they're helpless to do anything. all they can offer is that established routine and not show that anything's wrong.

however they do slip up from time to time, like when kibum looks up from his book to see jinki looking at him with a sad smile, or when jonghyun uncharacteristically squeezes minho's shoulder while walking by, or when taemin plops down onto the couch next to one of them and suddenly clings like he's afraid they'll fade away.

they want to talk about it, they really do. but it's in neither of their characters to get emotional about this type of thing, so that thought is pushed to the back of both their minds as they go about their everyday activities.

despite the efforts to keep busy, it's hard sometimes. like when their gazes meet accidentally during dinner and for a fleeting moment they're both transported to a world of remember when and all they want to do is just go back to the way things were.
but failed relationships can't be solved over rice and vegetables on a dining table, no matter how hard you try.

it takes a month and a half for something to finally happen.

kibum's on the phone with a friend from back home, half-listening as sunghwan prattles on about the past, the present, the future, everything. he's barely paying attention until the other boy says something like 'ah, well, life still goes on, right?' and it's suddenly as if he's frozen in place, feeling like he can't breathe because the first thing that comes to his mind is minho and how life is supposed to go on without minho by his side and for kibum, that's a reality he's not willing to accept yet.
hanging up with a hasty excuse before his friend realizes anything's wrong, he abruptly sits down on the couch and stares off into space, finally trying to comprehend the fact that it's actually over.

it's in this position that minho stumbles upon him a few hours later, sitting alone in the dimly lit living room with a drained look on his face. minho immediately knows what's wrong, but can't do anything to help (because how can you comfort someone who's hurt when you're hurting just as badly too). he stands awkwardly in the doorway for some time before he finally decides to walk over and sit next to the other boy. they both remain there in a heavy silence for until kibum decides to speak.

'i never thought this would happen,' he confesses, grasping for the right words.

minho remains quiet.

'but...i guess it did,' he continues. 'and i really don't know what to do from here.'

a few minutes pass before minho finally responds. 'me neither,' he says simply, eyes fixed on the wall opposite them.

what minho really wants to do at that moment is wrap his arm around the smaller boy and tell him it'll be okay, to be able to delude both kibum and himself into thinking that maybe they can give it another shot, maybe they can make it work this time around. but he knows that can't and won't happen, and somewhere deep down inside he feels his heart break all over again as they stiffly sit side by side in the dark.
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