
Mar 22, 2011 00:00

231 words

a/n: part two of koalaspice's birthday present. enjoy, bb ^^:;


Kibum jolts awake, flailing in his bed so hard he cracks his head against one of the posts.

Tearing the covers off himself, he looks around wildly for a moment before he checks his alarm to see if it's gone off.

Nope, five more minutes left.

Then what on earth was that noise?

The door suddenly bursts open and Jonghyun casually strolls in, hair coated in what smells and looks like bacon grease as he sings "bingbingbingbingbingbingbingbing" at the top of his lungs.

Kibum looks blankly at the vocalist, who is now jiving in a circle around the cramped room, and crawls back underneath his blanket.

Minho can take care of this one.


Minho has just come back from his morning jog when he hears an odd thunk thunk thunk coming from the kitchen.

Walking in to grab some water from the refrigerator, he sees the youngest member of the group standing at the counter with rice scattered everywhere, banging his head down every second or so to eat a single grain at a time.

Taemin suddenly looks up in between slams and spots the older boy. "Hyung!" he says happily, pieces of rice mashed everywhere on his face. "Look, I'm a pigeon!"

Minho walks right back out of the kitchen and back into his bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind him.

Kibum can handle it today.
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