Dec 30, 2005 23:57
I have taken on the great responsiblity of identifying one hundred things that make me happy besides money. And this responsiblity is to pressing to wait until January 1st to start. I suppose it's this urge that I have to write. Rare. But when it happens, I can't just let the oppourtunity pass me by. However, expect my list to come in installments. I am not so inspired as to come up with all one hundred things in one sitting. I find that perhaps I shoud spend time and actually think about what truly brings a smile to my face. And with that I begin my duty.
Number one. The first thing that comes to mind is seeing people help other people in my hometown. The other day I was driving merrily on to wal mart when I saw a car off to the side of the road, clearly having a bit of trouble, I was going to pull over to find out what's up, but several good souls had already done so. I then realized what a friendly place I live in, and how kind people are to one another here.
Number two. Making lists. I have a list making obsession. Perhaps it's because it gives me a sense of purpose. There's nothing so satisfactory as making a to-do list and crossing things off of it as you get done. Same with a shopping list. I love being able to have an aim and to be focused. Perhaps my obsession is a little obsessive compulsive, but it's one of the only areas I am OCD in.
Number three. Being warm. Who doesn't? There's just something about heat that makes me extremely happy, especially in winter.
Number four. Children. For the sake of not being creepy, I just like how kids seem to have such an optimistic outlook. How they haven't been corrupted by politics, by alcohol, by drugs.. They're fricken pure, and it's refreshing to speak with people who haven't yet become cynical. I also like how they think I'm cool and look up to me.
Number fiive ((with a bullet)). Duck hunt. Except that you can't shoot the dog, that bothers me. Otherwise Duck hunt suffices as my favorite means of playing with guns.
things that make me happy