Dec 11, 2005 21:20
So finals week is finally upon me. My coping strategy? Confidence and retyping of notes. Not to mention watching lots and lots of wonderful christmas specials on TV. I'm not too worried about finals. My hardest final for my hardest class is open book. The final that I'm taking tommorrow is 30 questions and based upon 3 and a half pages of notes. Yeah, real intimidating.
I think I've calmed down quite a bit from this weekend. For real I went home and it was like taking a breather. I feel a lot better and a lot less angry. Maybe I just spend too much time in the vicinity of certain people. I guess I need my breaks from time to time.
This weekend was alright. I went home friday, came up to see Narnia with a friend. Yes that is all he is to me, a friend. I know who I like, and it still remains the same. Actually, we're supposed to be hanging out Monday night, but lord knows how that's going to work itself out haha.
My goal over break is to get a little bit more into shape. I think I'm going to get a membership at the Y. I can use it over the break, when I come home and also over the summer. I need to not die everytime I walk up three flights of stairs or uphill.
Also, next semester we're forming an intramural volleyball team, to be named "Your Mom Called" after an inside joke, possibly the best inside joke ever! Well, not ever, but I really like it.
By the way, I can't wait until Christmas!!