Oct 06, 2005 15:25
...were not in my jury.
I had my talk with the RD, well, hearing. I told him the truth, the exact truth. That I said what I said out of anger, and that I really did say it. Allie P was my witness, and I am incredibly grateful to her for agreeing to be my witness. The RD went on and on and on about how what I said was really inappropriate especially in a place of higher learning. However, the thing is, he made it seem like I walked right up to Nick and called him that. But I didn't it was after Nick was gone and we were blowing off steam. So I told him exactly how things happened. And Allie corraborated, since she was there. And then he made her leave. And lectured me for awhile. And then told me my punishment, which is 6 months probation and five hours of community service. Which I think is really freaking harsh. Considering what I did wasn't that bad, it's not like I had freaking alchohal or anything in the room or like I wrote it on anyone's board or defaced anything. grrr...
I don't know. I'm feeling just a little bit down right now and can't wait for this whole stupid thing to blow over.