• WoW
I already described WoW as crack (its predecessor, Everquest, was referred to as Evercrack). Originally I started as Quetzalcoatl (the same name as the Aztec god of the wind who predicted the coming of the Spaniards), the Troll Hunter. While at Becki's I got Quetz a pet boar and we roamed the orc lands for a bit. Then my good friend Andrew told me to join another server with him as a human. So I made my oldest Dungeons and Dragons character (long story), whose name was Twig Calahan. Some bloody ass already had the name so I had to put another "i" in the name: Twiig the Rogue of the Earthen Ring server. Andrew was Bjorin the dwarven hunter. We started having many adventures and eventually Andrew put together a guild, the
Templars of the Thrones. He has a thing for studying angels or other 'celestical' erratica. Interesting stuff really but I don't really understand the intense fascination. Either way the guild started out small, just Andrew, Mike (Andrew's brother), Trudy (Andrew's sister), Neomis (some mage guy), and myself. Two mages, a priestess, a hunter and a rogue against the evils of the land and annoying bastards playing the game.
I also remade Quetz on the Bloodscalp server so I could occasionally play with my old room mate Brian (who is undoubtedly an undead warlock).
So I'm addicted and I can't play often because it isn't incredibly important compared to school and other things.
Bloody World of Crack...
• The Adventure of a Life Time
Let me catch up here.
Finals week for the last semester was a blessing and a woesome downfall. I did make it out with good grades but a B- in a six credit class really put me down hard. Hard enough to where I must work my hairy pale ass off this current semester to make it. The lesson here is I need to be cognizent of my surroundings from now on and not be a little bitch.
After finals I left for Boise to visit la familia. That was pleasant, it was nice to see everyone again. There are little things I wish I could get them to do but such things would require my constant presence, which isn't going to happen right now. It was great to spend time with everyone though and I swear I will have my vengence upon my little brother for tromping me at Halo. Bloody Xbox.
Later I left for San Diego to visit my girl Becki and her family. San Diego in winter can be bitterly cold and filled with rain. This time it was just rain. I was able to get a couple of good beach runs in and had a fantastic time there. We drove back to Sacramento and then I left for Denver. I actually had two weeks of vacation left so I decided to get the rest of my money for school and then drive out to Spokane to visit Becki. I would drive Golden Bob, my Saturn, a car that has NO business driving 1100 miles to get to Spokane. I did it anyway, in one horrible 15-hour drive. On the way I saw the beauty of Montana, Colorado, and that is it because Wyoming sucks. Driving 85 in a 75 on the highway I saw a police car driving the opposite way on the highway. The bastard took the first exit he saw and chased me down. Initially I thought I should have taken the first exit I saw and hung out for about 20 minutes while the bastard tried to find me, but alas I never listened to that voice of wisdom. Bloody highway patrol, the irony of it all is that I had been passed by people occasionally on the way and somehow they escaped, my luck... as it seemed, had run out. On a high note, I did get a $10 reduction for wearing my seatbelt.
When I made it to Butte (heh Butt) Montana it was starting to snow. Golden Bob and I were in trouble if it got worse, which it did... slowing my pace to a crawl along the moutains of Idaho. It was snowing so hard that I pretened I was merely playing a really shitty game so I wouldn't freak out. See that lake-city in north Idaho was amazing, because that meant 30 minutes to Spokane. See familiar streets in Spokane was bizarre because I wasn't driving someone else's car, which happened frequently at GU.
When I made it to Becki's I felt like I was going to pass out. My legs hurt and my ass was chapped from sitting in the same damn position in Golden Bob. It was worth it to see Becki though. I spent the week there. Becki would go to class and I would... well this requires an explanation all of its own.
Massively Multiplaye Online Role-Playing Games or MMORPGs are an evil best avoided unless you have nothing else to do, ever. As in you have no life nor job nor ambitions because these type of games replace all of that. Despite that the World of Warcraft (WoW) was something I could not avoid and I fell in when Becki's nephiew "got" it for me for Christmas. More on WoW later though.
So I played WoW while Becki was in school or I read Stephen King's Gunslinger series. The Gunslinger is like Clint Eastwood from the "Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" but with a Lord of the Rings twist.
It was like living with Becki for a week but I didn't really have a job. When I had to leave I really felt heartbroken because I became so used to being with her. It was so wonderful finally being able to just be with her like that, as if we were married.
The drive back felt shorter but sucked even more. Idaho mountains are not cool in Golden Bob, I hit some ice and spun around twice before hitting a wall. Luckily nothing was damaged at all, some mechanic happened to be behind me and stopped to help (those sort of people are heroes). The plastic casing on the bumber was cracked slightly but the lights, innerds of the car, etc. were all intack and kickin'. I was overjoyed that everything was alright, it seemed that my luck still held out... The ride still sucked though because it was a 1100 mile, 15 hour drive... but it was worth it, especially because Wyoming didn't give me another ticket.
I made it back to Denver alive and geared up for the next whirl-wind adventure of being a PT student.