Dec 05, 2005 19:15

Well well well.
So much has happened, so little time. Let us start from the last time we spoke.
The moment prior to my Thanksgiving break was difficult. I'm not entirely sure why the entire week isn't called off. I certainly got nothing accomplished and could only think about flying out to see Becky. When the day finally came for me to leave it seemed that time decided to drag it's feet (remember "Risky Business" when the clock turned backwards? Yeah I was screaming at the clock just like that).
I was so incredibly excited when I got to Dullas airport in D.C. The problem was finding Becky. At one point we determined we were standing in the exact same spot in baggage claim, in fact argueing that one of thus was there and the other wasn't in the right spot. Turns out neither of us were in the right area. We were both in the same area of the airport, but just at different airports!
Dazed and confused that we had somehow were not in the same place I got a shuttle to Regan airport (where Becky was waiting), luckily she had a book because it took me awhile to wait. The shuttle driver wouldn't leave because he was waiting for another passenger. Some other guy finally got on. I should have known something was out of place when I noticed this new guy didn't have any bags and spoke to the driver as if he was a good friend. Turns out he was; our first stop was to drop of the driver's friend at his house. I felt the suddent urge to break the driver's neck and drive myself to Regan. The lady sitting next to me was irate. We made it to Regan, the guy helped me get my bag from the car and seemed to wait for something, like a tip. Again the urg to break his neck or shout explenatives was pretty strong. I snorted in disgust and walked off.
Happily united with Becky we took the metro (which looks awesome cool to me) back to her house.
Let me describe her room: tacky hula girl lamp, tikki lamp, and one wall painted to look like the ocean-island horizon at sunset.
The next few days were a blast: we made it to some of the monuments. Our first attempt was on a night that it started to snow. We saw the Washington Monument and then retreated (east coast cold isn't just cold, it is damn cold. In Washington D.C. the air bites you). The second time Becky toughed it out, I wined and bitched about my hands and feet the whole way. I got to see the WWII and Lincoln memorial that night (and that reflecting pool between them), it was pretty sweet. The third time we hit the Natural History Museum. I love these kind of things. They are free, which means there are always lots and lots of people, something I could do without in a museum. However it was really cool and I learned a few things. We also hit the National Archives all of the famous documents look really faded but it was pretty amazing to see them! I think that same night we ate a steak house, I really can't remember the name. All I can say is that I need to learn how to cook like that. I would rule the world if I could make those things (I'd need an oven that could smelt iron thought, they cook the steaks at a REALLY high temperature).
Thanksgiving was spent at a family friend's place. They are excellent cooks! Normally I could care less for cranberries, but theirs were spectacular. Again, I need to be able to cook like these people. We played something called Taboo afterwards. If you aren't familiar with the game: one person on a team gets a card. You have to get your teammates to say that word without saying that word, using your hands, or saying some other words listed on the card, example: "Write" but you can't use pen, pencil, etc. (bad example). Lots of fun!
We also went to see Harry Potter and the... um... well it is the 4th movie at any rate. Loved it, action packed and the like. Miss the old Dumbledore terribly though. This new guy seemed like a bumbling, cranky old man than the soft spoken, immeasurably wise, and quirky Dumbledore from the last three movies. Richard Harris was the original Dumbledore (also the Emporer from "Gladiator," the Priest from "Count of Monte Cristo," etc.) and a spectacular actor. It makes me very sad that he died before the series was completed but I am glad he started them off.
Leaving DC was difficult, I hate leaving Becky and every time I think about calling everything off to just be with her. You might ask why I don't. I'd rather not defend the point but I really would like to finish PT school. I've been given a second chance at it, something people rarely get in the span of time I recieved it. Likewise Becky is persuing many new avenues for a more permanent job to improve her repertoire/experience in the journalism world. So we'll have to wait and see where her road takes her. All I know is that I am very proud of her and miss her dearly.
On a more random note:
Becky has started a new guild called the Scions of the Illuminati! Soon we will venture forth and take on the world!
The Warriors of Death have defeated Onyxia, Hakkar, and ran two separate Molten Core runs all in one week. I, unfortunately was only able to be present for the Molten Core run, which went smashingly well (all the way to Majordomo and took him on the second try with new people). We were able to run the entire instance in about 6 hours as opposed to the normal 9 or so. I'd go on but is pretty pointless to rank about one's very personal hobbie.

Lately I have been reading the last book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I really enjoy King's work for the most part. This series, however is different. This is King's best because it is epic and because of the content relates to almost every single book he has written. The very idea of the story is like the legend of the Holy Grail. I would ramble but I'll leave the book as something you have to start at the beginning. Some of you will see the book as fairly predicatable but to see how everything pans out is incredible. I'm very close to the end actually and just itching to finish it. I'm trying to use the book as the carrot on a stick to bring me through the day. If I study well I can read, if I don't no reading for you!
Likewise I am limiting my WoW playing time to almost nothing this week. I need to buckle down for the... fun that will begin (well has begun) today and through this week and the next. December 17th 3pm can not get here soon enough.
Today was the day I rocked the socks off my palpation exam (examining another person to locate muscles, nerves, bones, ligaments, arteries, etc. Living person mind you). Tomorrow is a health and wellness skills check (exercise testing protocol, etc), Wednesday is the cadaver lab final. Then next week we have one final everyday from 1 to 3.
Wish me luck!

becky, wod, thanksgiving, washington dc, finals, hawaii

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