So last week Michael Ignatieff wrote a piece in the NY Times Magazine (in Ignatieff's lofty circles one does not stoop to writing for Maclean's) explaining his pro-war stance on Iraq. Basically, the guy said that yes, the war in Iraq was a huge disaster, and yes, he did go all-out in advocating it, but really, he did so for the right reasons. See, as a World Reknowned Harvard Academic Now Condescending to Offer His Leadership to the Benighted Canadian People, his only responsibility at the time was to be logically consistent with his Principles. As a politician, however, he'd be obligated to think about the consequences of such a war, and therefore he wouldn't have made the same call. So there's no harm in electing him to high office, now, is there?
What a turd.
For a more long-winded, hilarious, and much better thought out essay on the same topic, see: