May 28, 2013 11:48
No matter how long I stay away from this website I keep randomly coming back to it. This time, though, I remember why.
I just ate a peanut butter & jelly sandwich on toast. The ingredients inside slipped through the bread and dripped into my cupped hand, just like it always does. I had to go wash my hands after I was done eating, just like I always do. And that made me think of a thing I wrote in a different LJ account I'd had, a writing one - a thing I wrote about coming home from school, making an atrociously messy PB&J sandwich, and scarfing it down like an animal. That account has been purged. :( Oh well. It's not like that thing I wrote was terribly important to reread. It was just something I thought of.
Every time I log back in here, I tell myself I'll use it again and then I don't.
Maybe I'll mean it this time.