I was thinking a few days ago that I've given my parents a raw deal - or at least I used to - which I guess is a sign of either maturity or that I was a bitchy adolescent. Probably both. Similarly, I can't decide if my non-judgmental attitude means that I'm being adult about the whole thing, or that I'm being patronizing.
Been feeling a bit ill today, so I ended up not doing very much - not a problem, I suppose, but there's still the compulsion to fill the days with activity. Or at least reading. I've made progress on Ghostwritten - I like it quite a lot, unsurprisingly (if nothing else, it's cementing my love for David Mitchell). There's always more to be read, though, which either is a mountain or a pleasure.
Both, right? That seems to be the answer today.
Tomorrow's the final
World Cup match, between France and Italy. I want France to win, but we'll see. There's
a good article about Zinedine Zidane, the captain of the French team who's come back from retirement to play in his last WC (he's 34), at
the NYT, although as is typical of the NYT it's a bit simplified and patronizing. What're you gonna do? At least they're giving it coverage.