The Changing of Colours - Steve/Bucky, MCU, Game of Cards Battle p. 3

Dec 01, 2016 00:45

Word count = 754
“I saw Bucky,” Natasha begins, “he said to tell you that he’s sorry again.” She sits crossed legged on his bed. Wanda takes a pin and pokes it through the bright blue material covering his arm. “He didn’t look very good.” Steve tries not the let the worry that’s gnawing on his gut show on his face.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.”
“Steve,” Natasha sighs. “It’s okay to be upset.”
“I’m not upset.” Steve tells her.
Natasha smirks. “Sure you aren’t.”
In the mirror, he sees Wanda’s eyes furrow, and her mouth curve down. “Are you okay?”
Wanda nods, her smile wane. “Turn a little please,” she instructs. “Left.” She adds a few more pins to his new uniform. “When I was a child, my mother taught me how to mend clothes…I often did this for Pietro.”
There’s nothing he can really say to that. Instead, he captures her hand and squeezes it briefly before letting go. To Natasha, he says, “Look, he need to leave. I’m never going to stop him from doing something he needs.”
“And that’s what any decent person should do, but you’re still allowed to feel hurt by the decision.” Natasha gets up off the bed, moving quickly towards Wanda and whispering something in the young woman’s ear before going to the door. Wanda lets out a light laugh in her wake.
“Feeling hurt never helped anybody.”
“I’m not talking about anybody.” Natasha pauses by the door. “I’d rethink…” she waves her hand up and down in his direction, “all of that.”
Of course Natasha is right.
“Hey Steve-whoa-ha!” Tony starts. “Oh my god, this may be the greatest thing I have ever seen. If only Agent could see you now.”
“Wanda designed it.” Steve defends. Okay, so the yellow might be a bit bright, and he’s not quite sure that the V-shaped cut out over his chest is really necessary but he doesn’t have a suit and although Sam is well equipped to handle the Captain America mantle, Steve feels like he should still be on call. He can’t very well go into the fray in sweatpants and a t-shirt and Tony’s offer of building him his own suit, although very generous, had Steve feeling slightly claustrophobic.
Tony waves the defence away. “Vested interest - Barton made her. Seriously, Thanksgiving was only yesterday and you’re already giving me a Christmas present?” Tony snaps a picture on his phone.
“Don’t send that,” Steve warns, although it’s in vain. “It’s-“
“Oh sweet Jesus.” Scott swears, his eyes blinking rapidly. “I-I mean…Steve! Shit, Cap! No wait…Mr Rogers-“ Scott stumbles as he sinks onto the breakfast stool.
There’s a snort from the doorway. “If Mr Rogers dressed like that, it would’ve been a very different show,” Sam says.
“Nomad,” Steve tells Scott. “That’s my name.”
“Nomad,” Scott repeats dumbly.
He doesn’t think it looks that bad. The suits a bit tighter than he expected but it is lightweight and has protective plating. It’s a trade-off - or that’s what he’s been telling himself. He hasn’t taken it out for a test run just yet.
“Okay.” Sam puts his hand up. “I’m holding an intervention.”
There’s a groan from Tony. “Must we? I just sent this to Rhodey and he said that with all the laughter he’s doing he should be running by tomorrow.”
Scott nods. “Laughter is the best medicine.”
“Exactly!” Tony says pointing at Scott. “My insect friend tells the truth. And c’mon Sam, please let me have this. ”
“No,” Sam says. “As Steve’s replacement, I cannot in good conscious let him commit this crime.”
“But it’s such a good one!”
Sam shakes his head. “For the good of all who live here and the kind citizens out there. Steve, I love you buddy, but you cannot wear that. I can deal with the sweater vests and the leather loafers, and even that newsboy cap you pull out on occasions when you’re feeling really old and doddery.”
“Newsboy cap?” Tony asks. “Seriously Rogers?”
“But this is a little much.”
Scott stays quiet. Tony smirks.
Sam continues, pointing at Steve. “That is not save the world sort of clothing.”
It’s Bruce, that actually makes a convincing argument. When the scientist walks into the room his eyes immediately grow wide, his skin turning green before suddenly an almighty roar fills the room. Hulk looks at Steve, sniffs once and says NO.
And that settles it.
“I hate you all,” Steve mutters, leaving the room that’s quickly filling with laughter.  
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