Feb 07, 2009 12:16
I just watched the lamest clip of the factor I think I've ever seen. And in this clip, it wasn't Bill O'Reilly being the ass... for ONCE. He had some guest on who has some kind of credentials, I'm sure, claiming that a Cheerio's add is sexist. It's the one where the man asks his wife if she's trying to lose weight because she's eating Whole Grain Cheerio's... which is a dumb question anyway. Who says that? "Oh I noticed you're drinking a diet coke, do you think you're fat?" Nobody says that. Anyway, the man stumbles around while the wife kind of gives him a hard time. So the guy on the Factor claims that this is sexist and is portraying men as week and little girls look at that and say "I don't want that man raising my children" and they grow up and continue the trend of having children out of wedlock. Seriously. He said that.
Before I continue though I must admit, when I saw the commercial I did think "why are they portraying marriage like this? Men walk on eggshell's around their chunky wives or the wife will get all PMS and bite his head off." And I thought the commercial was annoying, as I do most commercials. But this guy was just ridiculous. He claimed that you couldn't reverse the roles and have a man telling his wife to shut up for talking about his weight (while in the actual commercial, the man tells himself to shut and the woman agrees), that that would be wrong.
Now when I read this headline, I thought "whaaat? they're complaining that this ONE cheerios commercial is sexist towards men? What about every household cleaning product targeted towards women?" Seriously, there is so much sexism in marketing it's unreal. And the commercials where the men are the ones fixing things around the house so only they need to go to home depot. Or the commercials where the men want a new TV and have to practically beg their wives for it because women don't watch TV they just clean shit up and sit in their bathtubs taking big wiffs of their Glade Plug-ins (which for some reason, they feel the need to lie about).
But the man on the Factor had another thing to complain about. The Dorito's commercial where the man throws the snowglobe at his boss's crotch. That commercial was actually hilarious and not because of the lame slapstick "MYBALLSHURT" humor but because of the "will we have free Dorito's in the office today?". Too funny. Anyway, the man said if you "reverse the role's" and have a woman getting a snow globe thrown at her crotch or a wife afraid of her husband, you'd never see it on TV. But I'll tell you something, when I see those commercials I don't really see a man afraid of a woman or a man getting hit in the crotch, I see people. It did not occur to me that the man being pelted in the crotch was a man and that it was sexist and GOD forbid there be a commercial out there that portrays men, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, as being not as strong as a woman. It's not like women have been portrayed as the weaker sex for hundreds of years or anything...