May 18, 2005 12:06
Right so if I were to actually catch "you" up on my recent life assuming that someone actually reads this god forsaken thing( which no one does) it would take a bazillion (yes that number is scientifically documented) pages to esplain. Therefore you shall get the abridged version strap yourselves in and here goes..... Ok recent volta concert AMAMAAAZZING life altering event.... the bruises and welts from the pit were most definetly worth it.... art is on an all time extreme now a great analogy would be somewhat of Picasso on sterioids perhaps.... Prom was last weekend long dresses, bling-age,hair spray up the ying-yang, and "oh my god you look amazing" pretty much sums it up NEED I SAY MORE? is the pretend to care about your future day or what my school likes to call "career day". Essentially you go out and find some person to follow around all day to see if you enjoy their profession. I wonder if the school will enjoy my report on my future profession as the homeless man on the Reseda freeway exit..what did I do all day... well I learned to make an excellent cardboard sign the tattered effect I learned evokes extra sentiment, I rode in a stolen shopping cart, and made a super cardboard condominium! My dream alas materialized!