Mar 06, 2002 19:46
i haven't been sleeping well the last three nights or so. its horrible, i feel for insomniacs. my parents think i'm under emotional stress - see, this is why i don't tell them anything.
Last indoor track meet was on Sunday, the last look at the armory track was actually a little sad, but nothing lasting. I'm glad thats over with, I hated that place. I didn't get home until around 12:30 and i didn't fall asleep til around 1:30, so thats what started the bad sleeping routine.
I've straightened everything out with Nicole, thats finally over. She's got some new guy she's crazy about already and i'm happy for her and hope the guy can tolerate her. I sure couldn't. She thought I wanted her out of my life and began to hate me. I get a bad reputation like that. That freshman girl from jazz band Marissa (who is also on track) really screwed me over. She was so bent on me and Nicole being together. It was very annoying and none of her business, but she did give me inside info. She asked why not and I said "i guess she's just not my type" and she asked for an example of who my type was. So, i figured I might as well give her someone that she actually knows so its relevant. So, i mentioned Marissa Basic and she went nuts. She's like "that girl has no class, she's bad" and all that, yeesh. She thought it was soo amusing and I should have realized right then I made a mistake by telling her that. Now when Nicole complained to her about me she took it upon herself to avenge her. She claims she told Marissa I "really really like her", god knows what she said, but thats embarrassing and makes me look like a coward. ya know, this sucks. She also said when she told her that Marissa laughed. Ouch - big time. I don't know if i should believe her though. First of all, I don't think Marissa is that mean to laugh. I'm not in denial, I swear! Secondly, when I asked her again today if she really said that to her she said "maybe". what an immature...grr..
now i don't know whether I should say anything to Marissa to try and clarify things, either way I feel like a moron. I guess I'm still midly interested, but i guess there's no sense in it now - considering my new prospect (which is turning out very nicely). I have to keep that on the hush hush for now, but I'm sure it will be mentioned in a future entry.
Fare thee well, Tami. My your live journal rest in peace. It sucks how people get all voyeuristic and tell others our personal stuff. Join ze club. I'm sorry, cuz I'm the one who introduced it to you. Thanks for the binder! its very helpful, hehe.
Mr.Berardi was absent today (he's never absent!) so we couldn't play in jazz band, jeff was also absent and there was no one to talk to, so I went into the music closet thingy and had myself a percussion instrument symphony. I was playing the xylophone, the vibraphone, the chimes, and timpanis! oh baby was it fun, it made the time fly by! I want a cool instrument like that. you just bang away, its so fun and groovy! some of them even have the notes printed right on each bar, woah! how easy! i'm tellin ya, Sandra, staten island is ready for a post rock take over, hehe.
Tory sent me an e-mal about Pinback who I would have loved to see, but it was for today, argh!
Don't think I'm mad peeps, I feel pretty good right now. later gators