Apr 02, 2007 16:02
I have discovered how to make the perfect omelette.
You might not think that's a huge achievement, but trust me, it is. I've been screwing up omelettes for YEARS, turning them into some sort of scrambled-eggy mess (that still tastes pretty good).
In other news, I painted the heads of the Bass Drum so that it's harder to read "Genesee Valley Fife & Drum Corps., Rochester NY" on the side, which is the name of the Fife & Drum corps that we bought the drum from. Unfortunately, Gesso LIES. I painted it nicely, and the text vanished, but by the time it had dried, the words ghosted their way back. Damn you Rochester, DAMN YOU.
Finally, Easter and Greek Easter fall on the same day this year. Katherine will finally get a chance to meet some of the extended family on my Father's side, which is cool. Let's hope that goes well. Although, now that I think about it, the Kafalas family reunions make my family seem eerily British, in that they're polite, up tight, quiet, dignified, dry, and sometimes a tad sour. Not that all Brits are like that, but many are, to some extent. God bless the few family members who shine through to make these experiences survivable.