Jun 14, 2005 14:57
so i havent updated in a year and a half. but look. here i am, updating. and look at my picture, thats how i looked the last time i updated my journal, i'll have to change that to one of me NOW to illustrate the length of time.
it is the summer. it is death valley. it is very hot outside, and every time i go out, i am very determined in making it from point A to B in the most efficient way possible. minimalizing the time spent in the furnace.
ive been eating alot of cottage cheese. im trying to start eating "breakfast"; a concept i havent practiced since high school, if that.
i miss all my friends. i dont really see anyone that often. which is my own fault as much as anyone elses. i just don't really enjoy 'dancing at clubs' or things like that. i much more like to hang out and watch movies and talk and things like that. maybe that makes me lame.
ive been reading alot lately. alot of acting theory books and things like that. i just have felt the need to be stimulated recently because i have been feeling a little inactive in terms of creation or artistic exploration...
ive been auditioning alot, or at least a good amount, and maybe that somehow is contributing to my feeling of artistic inactivity. because auditioning is misleading and deceptive. you feel like youre being productive as an actor because youre out "doing what actors are supposed to do" but it really isnt fulfilling at all and really cant substitute for actual acting classes or work. its reinforced my desire to start doing voice and speech and action stuff this summer. so i should get on that.
im thinking of also getting another job besides my Tisch job. but we'll see if i have that much motivation. also i have yet to tell my boss at tisch that i am going to be doing a show from july 22 to august 15 in massachussettes...thats sure to not make her giddy.
i thought palpatine was good before he became the shriveled deformed emperor, but then i think he just turned into a hissing caricature. ewan was the best part of the film i think though, although the one scene i really loved was the last scene between ewan and hayden before they fought, ewan says "i will do what i must" then hayden says "you will try".....that part was great. but yea, the movie just had bad dialogue.
ok i'm going to go to the gym in a bit. then eat alot of food. then maybe go to whole foods and treat myself to a smoothie.
look i updated.