
Nov 29, 2002 15:48

sitting, watching the clock, its 4 o clock, its got to stop.

ok fine its only 345, but i am bored as fuck, so i turn to the almighty livejournal...ahh i bask in the light of my computer and type words that few to no people read.

its snowing out, which sucks, and i start working on sat, prolly which sucks even more, even though i need the money, and the job it will definately be rough, seeing as i will be working from 10pm till 7 am 5 nights a week, which will with my luck include weekends. Therefore my social life will take a shot in the nuts. I mean yeah i can do something till 10 at night, but if i show up to work drunk too many times i am gonna get canned.

my fam leaves tomorrow, thank god, i mean i guess it has been good to see them all, but my house wasnt built to hold so many people, and they always want to talk to me, and i like my alone time, the stress level this week has been sky high.

oh and talk about bad movies, i saw the new bond last night, and either goldeneye was the last good bond or they are olny entertaining to 14 year olds. I mean he had a fucking invisible indestructible car, which must have been shot at least 200 times and flipped over to slide on the roof, and hit three snowmobiles, and didnt have a fucking scrathc at all. yeah and they flew a plane through a magnified sun beam, which happened to be wiping out landmines, trucks, and everything else on the ground, but the plane didnt disintegrate until right before bond and halle berry managed to dump a helicopter out of the back. oh and they flew the helicopter away, which is an aerodynamic impossibility. christ i mean make it at least a little believable, they fucking changed peoples dna for christs sake.

anyway, enough about that, hopefully something good will be going on tonight, either sebastians or soemthing else, and if not i am gonna sit in my basement and stare at the wall.

well, thats about it in the non stop excitement of the life and times of pat campbell, whoop de fucking do
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