Apr 11, 2007 00:53
I'm having a minor crisis. Or maybe not a crisis, just a vague dissatisfaction with my life. I still manage to get really disappointed when things don't go according to plan, which is ridiculous because the current count of "things in my life that have gone according to plan" is at about 3. Maybe 0.
I didn't get the RA job that I was planning on getting for this summer and next year. They interviewed 8 people for 2 jobs, and I got the privilege of being an alternate, which means that if someone declines their position or things fall through in May, I'm in. Great. I felt very confident about the whole process, but apparently I am not as awesome as I thought I was. I think this is the first time I have not gotten a position I've interviewed for. Not that any of my previous jobs have been that fancy or highly competitive.
This throws off my grand life plan for next years in two ways. 1) Now I have to go through the drama yet again of finding a roommate. Or moving. And although I would have had to move either way, I will be having to pay rent now, whereas I would have been living for free if I got this job. 2) Now I have to find another job. I don't think I can take it much longer at Liks. I now work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and I think I will go apeshit if I spend the entire summer without going hiking or having a social life. Also, my boss stresses me out with his perfectionism, the sheer volume of people in there stresses me out, the new hires that don't know what the hell they are doing stress me out... I got this job because I thought it would be simple and not tax my brain while I am in school. I guess it doesn't really tax my brain, more like my nervous system.
Actually, I do have a plan on the whole other job thing. I am going to apply to work at the Social Security field office downtown. My mom has all the information on this, and it is a good deal with good pay, paid holidays, paid vacation, and other such "working for the man" perks. I was offered this job last year but had to decline because my AmeriCorps obligations wouldn't allow me to work soon enough. I think in some ways it would be a good experience and give me a better understanding of how things work in the system, because I had to deal a lot with Social Security working with my clients last year. I also think in some ways I might hate it because I will have to become that bureaucratic peon that has to be the bearer of bad news. Also, the inherent flaws in the system, the fact that people can't actually live on what they are given... At any rate, the whole Social Security system is another example of the dysfunctional nature of social welfare programs in this country.
Although social welfare systems in this country are inefficient and don't do enough for people in need, they are better than pure capitalism. I don't have enough faith in capitalism to allow the market to just work things out for itself. Because it would still create stratification and exploit people. So I couldn't commit myself to Libertarianism. That is sort of related to a post one of my friends wrote recently. I think Libertarianism is becoming sort of a "cool" philosophy lately, because in the past couple years I have heard a lot of people I know throwing the word around. Not that this is the case with the friend who posted about it, she is very well-read and intelligent and I am sure she fully understands Libertarian thought.
Anyway, working for a flawed social welfare program has better potential than scooping ice cream and gradually becoming more and more bitter about my job. As I learn about organizational management and human resources and structure and what have you in my classes this quarter, I realize that many of the organizations I have worked for are poorly run.
Anyway, this is probably boring you all terribly. It's boring me, too. Let's see... Oh, ok, one exciting and good thing coming up is that we are having a party at my house in a few weeks... The theme is "The Prom." It's going to be amazing. We are going to have spiked punch, elect a prom court, and play old school prom music.
Also, I am excited about my search for a new internship for next year. I have several interesting places in mind; a mentoring program, an outdoor experience program, a violence prevention program, and a charter school. So that will be good.
Also, I have new userpics! Also, Last.fm is amazing and I spend far too much time messing with it! It creates radio station selections for you based on what you like and other fun things.
I feel much better about all this now. It's all about convincing yourself that things are really working out for the best. Who knows, maybe they are.