A love I can't have

Jul 30, 2010 16:37

My heart races everytime I see him. Everyday we stand next to each other. We hold hands we hug one time we even kissed. But I know I'll never be with him he doesn't love me like that. I think I've always loved him as more than a friend. But that doesn't matter he's married to the one he loves and that's not me. I don't say anything to him I would put that on him. Yeah I date other guys but it alway ends within a month because nobody is him. So until the day I move on I'm just gonna love him from afar. People may judge me and think I'm wrong for loving someone who doesn't love me but I don't care it's how I feel and you can't help that. So now I'm going to blast those famous I'm In love with my best friend songs and wallow for awhile.

"Im just dreaming out loud I can't have you for mine and I know it. I just want to watch you shine."
Posted via LiveJournal.app.


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