What We Truley Want (continued)

Jul 27, 2010 17:41

Let's try this again. I tried posting this earlier and it didn't work. Sorry about that y'all :)

"Clintoooooonnnn!!!" Stacy screams running down the studio hallway to my dressing room. Well if you can call it that, more like waddling really fast. Her five month pregnant belly showing.

"What?! What's wrong? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?!" I ask her jumping up off the couch.

"Yeah Yeah We're both fine. Feel this!" she practicaly screams at me grabbing my hand and putting it on her stomach. I can feel our baby kicking. "Did you feel that?!" she ask me smiling wildly.

"I did. That's amazing." I tell her my voice in a whisper. "We have a strong kid." I lean down and kiss her sweetly and then rub her belly " I love you two so much." she puts her hand over mine on her stomach

"And we love you to. Very much." I grab her hand and lead her out into the studio. Before we start filming I kiss her sweetly again. She smiles at me with her "contagious smile."

Yeap this Is the life I want. Stacy and our baby. They make we happy like nothing else ever could an I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world.

"Im soo ready to go home. I'm tired and I'm starving" I tell Clinton pouting. My pouty face always works. He looks at me and smiles.

"Okay let's go. What do you want for dinner??"

"We want pizza. Yeah that's what the baby wants." he laughs at me. And then pulls me over to him.

"So the baby wants pizza huh?" he puts his hand over my baby bump and leans down and starts talking to my stomach. "So you want pizza? I think your mommy is playing me because she knows I don't think it's very good for you two. But I'm gonna cave like she knows I will" he looks up at me and kisses me. " Alright pizza it is"

"YAY!!!! Let's go!" I grab his hand and practically drag him out of the studio.

Yeah this is the life I want Clinton and our baby. This is the family I always wanted and this is the family I'm glad to have.

So yeah I had a better one than this but I accidently deleted it from my notepad. But plz let me know what y'all think :)


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