Untitled drabble!!

Jul 27, 2010 10:21

Title: Untitled
Rating: PG-13 (ish)
Author: Lainyy
Disclaimer: Nooo disclaimerrr...heehee
Author's Note: Under the sea! Under the sea! Darlin' it's better, down where it's wetter...I forgot the woooords!

Slight turbulence is what woke Clinton up. The What Not to Wear crew was flying home from Washington after an exhausting week of ambushing people. It was early morning and people were still asleep except when he looked over to the woman in his arms, he saw that she was wide awake and staring at him.

They're faces were inches apart and he was about to whisper "Good morning," when she put her finger to his lips. Her eyes shifted from his blue depths to his lips and back again. She seemed to be having a debate in her head about what she was going to do because she had the cutest pout on her face.

Suddenly, she leaned foward and captured his lips with hers. He didn't respond and she pulled away with a frown. She had a look on her face like she was trying to figure something out and then her lips were on his again, her teeth softly biting his botton lip. He let her run her lips over his a few time before he kissed her back. She put her warm hand on his cheek and tilted her head so she could slip her tongue in his open mouth and wrestle with his.

He pulled away when she tried to get closer to him and said, "Calm down, baby."

"Please don't stop, Clinton. Just a little longer? I'll behave, I promise." She pleaded quietly.

He ran his hand through her hair and let it rest on her neck. He knew she hasn't had any physical contact with a man in months and she just wanted to release some tension that was built up inside of her.

He answered her by leaning foward and running his tongue across her closed mouth. She opened her mouth and caught his tongue with her teeth and he moaned softly. They kissed for a few more minutes until the lights on the plane turned on and the people around them began waking up.

The end! This was just a little drabble that popped into my head before I went to sleep last night. So, the first thing I did when I woke this morning was write it down. Hope you enjoyed it! Please review!


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