May 07, 2007 12:43
But you already knew that, didn't you? I thought so. ;)
Notice my location. Notice the key word in the statement: my. That means, therefore, that my darling, incredible, smart and handsome husband figured out how to get internet connection in our trailer!! (Unfortunately, the location doesn't mean our house is finished. More about that in a sec.)
Anyway, isn't that cool? I can actually be a part of your lives now! I can be an internet junky! I can waste time by the bucketload, if I feel like it! (And I confess, I do sometimes. ;) Awesome, dude.
So what's new? A few things...
First of all, we got approved the for the construction loan for our house! It feels like we've been trying to make this happen for months (which is true...ahem) and now it's hard to believe that it's actually done! The lady with the bank was soooooo slow and took forever to get back to us about lots of things. But she's pretty nice and finally made the loan happen, so I harbor no ill feelings. :) We should close on the loan this week and can get started as soon as our house plans get back from the architect! I am so excited. I have been reading house building books and critiquing nearly every structure I enter, so I have some good ideas of what I want and what I don't want. Just think! I could have my own home by Christmas! Hurrah!
Wes and I have been taking dancing lessons for about a month and a half and it's tons of fun! There is a ballroom dance teacher who lives about 5 minutes away from us, so the whole family has been taking lessons. We're learning the two-step (definitely my least favorite of the dances--it's rather boring!), the waltz (ballroom waltz is HARD), the foxtrot (this one is really fun!), swing (which we're getting pretty good at, if I may say so myself) and, just last week, salsa. It's been great! Our teacher is an older man, but he's really good at what he does and fairly patient with all of us and our left feet. I don't know how much longer we'll take from him, but we're definitely learning a lot.
We're also in charge of leading a Dave Ramsey "Financial Peace University" for our church and that seems to be going pretty well. This will be our second week and, despite the terrible mud we had last week (and consequently the late-night rental of a carpet-cleaning machine to return the building to it's original state), it was great! I'm looking forward to seeing what Dave says about finances...I've heard that he's got some good advice.
We do commercial cleaning twice a week, one building on Wednesday evening and three on Saturday afternoon/evening. That keeps us really busy and feeling like our weekends are about three seconds long, but it's all good. The extra cash is quite lovely, I assure you.
Oh yes! And Monica had her baby! My first nephew. :) Kai Brennan Jacobson (isn't that a nice name?) was born on April 18th at 8:30 am and weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz (I think...). He was delivered via C-section, because the midwife discovered soon after arriving that he was toe-line breech. Despite the obvious recovery challenges, Monica is doing great! Mrs. Hurd just returned from spending 10 days with them and she says they're adjusting well. I am sure that Monica and Marty will make great parents. :)
On a totally different note (pun intended), I love this new Norah Jones album! Hannah loaned me her CD to make a copy of and it's wonderful. I listen to it at least once a day, always assuming I can get iTunes to work. :)
Well, I had better scoot and fold my laundry. The laundromat is quite a blessing--4 loads of laundry done in an hour. PLUS, you get to see some of the most interesting people! Today it was mostly old ladies (one of which asked to borrow my cell phone to make a, but sometimes you get some real characters. It's my people-watching time for the week. :)