
Feb 20, 2009 11:28

my Treo runs my life. But I need a better plan. There does not seem to be a EVERYTHING unlimited plan for $100 from any there?

I need unlimited text, web access, talk .... maybe tmobile? -Add that on my list to checkout today.
ASL practice. I'm slipping- well not really I practice daily and watch vlogs but just have not gotten around to picking up my friend converse.

Facebook. Love it. Although I don't get to really KNOW people like I did on LJ but I love it. Join me if you haven't already there. I do plan to be on LJ MORE!! I miss it too much and I miss ME.
Real Estate is my other love.

Been wanting to do photography but my stupid cheap digital camera is not catching what my EYE and SOUL see's and want to catch so I'm never happy with my pictures and need to invest in a good camera.

My car is driving me crazy- always when it's time to register it : "CHECK ENGINE" :((

facebook, update

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